Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Final Countdown!

Multicultural Literature 

This week we began reading Firoozah Dumas's very funny.... Funny in Farsi. Each day we will learn new information regarding the changes that took place in Iran after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. We will also take a fun look at 1970s popular culture, fast foods, fashion, and more. 

November 27-December 1

Wednesday's Lesson

Thursday's and Friday's Lesson

Friday's Quiz

December 5-9 

Monday's reading - Waterloo - Treasure Island
Making Personal Connections to Literature 

Funny in Farsi - FINAL PROJECT - Due Dec. 16 by midnight!!!!


Reading Guide

Character Chart

Object Chart

World Literature 

This week we began reading Stephen Chbosky's coming of age novel, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Each day the students will explore themes in the book and how these relate to their own lives.  

November 27-December 1

Monday's Lesson

Tuesday's Lesson              

Wednesday - Friday Lesson 

December 5-9

Monday's Reading - December 19-December 25. 
Use Reading Guide.
Discuss final project - "My Anthology" Due December 16 by Midnight.

Tuesday - Wednesday - December 26-February 19


Guiding Questions 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 15 Pre- Thanksgiving Break!

This week is going to be a busy one with all four classes going into the lab to work on their Capstone projects Monday-Wed. 

We have four weeks remaining and much to do to prepare for final exams and to keep good grades and bring up grades that are less than good. 

Multicultural Literature

Monday-Wednesday - Senior Capstone (see previous post for resources) 

Thursday - Friday - TBA

World Literature 

Monday - Wednesday - Finishing up Night  and beginning Capstone. 

Closing Night

Holocaust Art


Sample MLA Formatted Paper

MLA Template 

Thursday - Friday - TBA

Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 13- Beginning with Halloween! WooooHoooooooooo....

Multicultural Literature

Monday's Lesson 

Tuesday's Lesson

Wed/Friday - Lab for Sr. Project

Materials Needed

My First Resume

University College Bound Worksheet

Scholarship and Financial Aid Worksheet

Military Bound Worksheet

Workforce Bound Worksheet 


World Literature

Monday - Tuesday in Labs - Reciprocal Teaching Assignment


Vocabulary - 6-9

Rubric for Reciprocal Teaching Project

Wed. - Friday - Students Teach using Reciprocal Teaching Model

Formative Assessment Given and Final Projects are due Monday, November 7. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week Twelve! End of the Second Grading Period!

Multicultural Literature 

We are nearing the end of Unit 2 in Multicultural Literature....and our senior project is in full swing. Students.... meeting deadlines is essential to your success. 

Monday and Tuesday's Lesson

More of Tuesday's Lesson

Thursday's Lesson 

Wednesday and Friday - Computer Lab to Work on Senior Project


Career Interest Inventory Chart -- this is an editable chart the grids will expand as you type. 

Sample Resume - High School Academic  - Use a guide for type of information.

Resume Template - High School Academic - Use this to type your resume. 

Due Dates:

CIIC - Monday October 31, 2017

Resume - Monday November 7, 2017
World Literature

Monday and Tuesday's Lesson 

Wednesday's Lesson

Thursday-Friday Lab


Reciprocal Teaching Assignment 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What is happening to this year? Week 11. Multicultural and World Literature

Multicultural Literature 

This week we began preparation for our senior project, for which we will explore college/university, military, or workforce options. 

Each week we will have a different component due for the senior project, with the final portfolio with all components in order on Dec. 5. 

Monday's and Tuesday's Lesson 

Chain Reaction Chart

Senior Project Materials

MLA PPT Tutorial

MLA Paper Sample

Personal Statement Sample

World Literature

This week we began preparation for our sophomore project. For this we will identify two colleges/universities we think we would like to attend, then research their admission requirements to include minimal GPA. We will then assess where our GPA falls and analyze what must be done in order to raise or maintain current GPA. 

Monday - we went to computer lab to explore Career Cruising. 

Tuesday's Lesson 


Reciprocal Teaching Guidelines

Discussion Question Guidelines

Reciprocal Teaching Notes

Reciprocal Teaching Self-Reflection 

Group Reading and Extended Inquiry Guide

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Week 10! Multicultural and World Literature

Multicultural Literature

We continue exploring the theme "Finding My Way".

Monday - October 10, 2017 - Watched the Movie... The Learning Tree

Tuesday - October 11, 2017

Wednesday- October 12, 2017

"Roots" by Imagine Dragons

Thursday- October 13, 2017

Pipeline through Indian land article. 

Friday - October 14, 2017

World Literature

This week we begin reading Elie Wiesel's Night

Building Background

Monday - October 10, 2017 - We watched the film - The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 

Tuesday - October 11, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday- October 12/13, 2017

Holocaust Article - Art 

Friday - October 14, 2017

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 9- Multicultural and World Lit!

I hope everyone had an awesome break... we are into mid-semester crunch time.... that means crunch time for teachers as well.... I heartily apologize for getting behind on my updates....

Multicultural Literature

Monday - October 3 Lesson

Tuesday - October 4 Lesson

Without Commercials by Alice Walker 

Wednesday - October 5 Lesson

Thursday - October 6 Lesson 

Friday - October 7 Lesson

World Literature -

Monday - October 3-7 Lesson

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Week 7! Multicultural and World Literature!

I want to congratulate everyone who has gotten through 6 weeks with not only a passing grade, but with a grade worthy of praise! There are many of you... and I am very proud!

Multicultural Literature

Monday-Tuesday's Lesson 

Wednesday's Lesson 

Thursday's Lesson 


We finished our lessons! So... we viewed the International Film - Duktar in keeping with our theme of Families in Conflict .
World Literature

Monday's Lesson

Tuesday's Lesson 

Wednesday's Lesson 

Thursday's Lesson 

Friday... we finished our lessons! So... we viewed the International Film - Difret - in keeping with our current theme of strong women in World Literature.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 6 Already! Multicultural and World Literature with Dr. O!

I hope everyone had an awesome Labor Day weekend!   

Bye Bye Summer! 

Multicultural Literature 

Tuesday's PPT Lesson 

Wednesday and Thursday PPT Lesson

Passive vs Active Voice to edit (see ppt)

Friday - Pep Rally --- really crazy day and maybe a movie for 3rd... a place to stop and drop for 2nd and 4th.... pretty much.

World Literature

Tuesday's PPT Lesson 

Wednesday's PPT Lesson

Thursday's PPT Lesson 

Friday.... Pep Rally -  just enough time in class to make up missed assignments! Yay you!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Multicultural and World Literature Week 4! Closing out The Other Wes Moore, Meeting Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, Thinking about Justice, and Finishing a Search for Treasure and Personal Legends.

Multicultural Literature

Monday - Wednesday

This week we are closing out the memoir, The Other Wes Moore 

with a look at the flipside of the story into the wrongful conviction rate of African-American males we will listen to a series of Ted Talks on the phenomena of wrongful convictions, and view the biographical film of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter. 

We will also explore music selections by Bob Dylan and 

Sam Cooke's haunting song "A Change is Gonna Come". 

We have covered the dual and reciprocal evolution of Hip Hop, drugs, and violence, and all that has been shared in class should be used as supporting evidence for our essay test on key themes from The Other Wes Moore. See previous posts for those lessons.

Lessons - Monday - Wednesday

Lesson Tuesday - Friday

The Hurricane Study Guide

Use past posts (ppts, videos, etc) to study for Monday's essay test. The more notes you have... the better you will do. We are covering themes from Wes Moore... you will draw upon all resources... not just the novel. 

World Literature

Monday - Wednesday 

This week we close out the novel/parable The Alchemist. We will finish today with a test over key themes and events in the novel as well as grammar concepts introduced during the past 3 1/2 weeks.

Monday Lesson

Tuesday Lesson

Wednesday Lesson 

Thursday Lesson / Test Day

Friday Lesson

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Multicultural and World Literature Week Two

Multicultural Literature

Monday and Tuesday - Chapters 1-2 The Other Wes Moore


Chapters 1 and 2 Study Guide and Activities

****Read chapter 2 tonight. 

Wednesday - Thursday - Chapters 3-4 Lesson  (read chapter 3, part II Wed. Night. Chapter 4 part II Thursday night)

Thursday- Chapter 4 Lesson (read part II of C. 4 tonight) 


Chapters 3-4 Study Guide and Activities 

Friday- Chapter 5 Lesson (finish reading chapter 5 over the weekend). 
Study Guide Checks on Monday. 


Chapter 5 Reading Guide

"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost 

World Literature

World Literature Novel -E-Text  The Alchemist  by Paulo_Coelho

Reading Guide 

The Audiobook to AID reading. 

Monday - We continued Friday's Lesson 

Tuesday's Lesson - (now homework - due to poor participation : ( 


Close Read - Chapter One with Teacher Led Instructions

Silent Reading Response Sheet 

Wednesday's Lesson 

Thursday's Lesson 

Friday's Lesson 


Elements of the Epic Hero Cycle

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Welcome to Campbell High School Seniors and Sophomores, Fall 2016! This post covers Weeks 1 & 2!

Welcome to the class blog!

We had an awesome first week in both Multicultural Literature (12th) and World Literature, (10th).

Each week I will post the daily or weekly powerpoint, plus handouts on the blog. It is important for students to check the blog daily for updates. Everything we cover in class will be posted to the blog.

When students are absent, they are responsible for assignments, and lectures missed... these will be on the blog. Students are expected to attempt the work whenever at all possible so as not to fall behind.

I look forward to a great semester and to getting to know everyone better.

Dr. ONeill

Week One- Multicultural Literature 

Overview of Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures and Policies 

Week One Lessons

Week One - World Literature

Overview of Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures and Policies 

Week One Lessons 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Final 2 Weeks and Finals!!!! The Catcher in the Rye

We finish the year with The Catcher in the Rye.

Students will respond to study questions each day, participate in class discussion and activities, and be able to write an essay that encompasses the Guiding Questions.

Our final will be fun.... and students can go ahead and begin working on it. Your final is in the ppt... you will retell your favorite bedtime story (from childhood) as Holden would tell it. These are to be shared in class on Tuesday for first and second blocks, and Wednesday for fourth block. 

Students are to have their own books!!!! 

However - here is the e-text.... The Catcher in the Rye

We will read.... 

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"  Lesson PPT 

and compare J. Alfred and his perspective and experiences in the poem to Holden Caulfield. This is due Friday, May 20th. (those who are considered seniors and are supposed to be graduating must turn this (and bedtime story) in no later than Wed., May 18th. 

"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" Poem 

Wednesday - May 18 we began Junior Project presentations... we will be finished by Friday. 

Please work on final assignments... I will pepper our days with other ways that students in need can recoup lost grades. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Walt Whitman- An American Bard PLUS Carpe Diem! Dead Poets Who Live!!!!

Friday - April 29, 2016 PLUS EOC Week (May 1-5)

Monday - May 2, 2016 Walt Whitman, Continued... and a Few Dead Poets... give life to the live poet in you!

Tuesday - Dead Poets Society - see ppt for Question for Further Inquiry - you might see it on an essay test, oh.... Friday.

Wed/Thursday - EOC!!!!!

Friday: Dead Poets Society Essay Test

Monday!!!! We begin The Catcher in the Rye!!!!!!

I love my Juniors!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Transcendentalism.... A Decade for a Lifetime.... + Junior Project Presentation Template

We now begin covering my favorite era of American Literature... and indeed History.... the Transcendentalists were men and women who thought boldly, and acted with care upon that boldness. We could all learn a great deal from these individuals.... 

Friday - April 15, 2016 - Introduction to the Transcendentalists.... 

Monday/Tuesday - April 18/19, 2016 - Emerson

Mini-Senior Junior Project Template

You may be creative with this... not crazy, just creative. Normal fonts.... but, pictures and graphics.... choose your own color schemes... think of how it will look to your audience.

Wednesday-Thursday - Henry David Thoreau

Friday- Civil Disobedience 

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Fall of the House of Usher.... Goths.... Double Entendres ... Grammar and So Much More!!!

This week.... The Fall of the House of Usher.... A Really Scary Story with a Psychological Twist.... 

There are loads of resources and extra grading opportunities included!!!!

Wednesday: Psychology Connection (to use with chart in PPT)

Thursday - Gothism Test.... Students will expand upon our two questions "for further inquiry" and discuss these in association with Poe's "The Raven" and "The Fall of the House of Usher".

Friday: Introduction to the Transcendentalists..... 

Also- Proposals are due to my gmail account by midnight Friday.... these are (of course) to be typed. They will be graded for neatness of appearance, consistency of font, adherence to MLA. 

I am not kidding. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday before Spring Break.... Movie Day? No Way!!! To the Media Center - Mini-Senior Project Proposals!!!

Today we meet in the media center to begin work on our proposals. Here are our learning objectives for today:

1. Brainstorm ideas for product or service to mediate proposed research topic. 

example: If you researched the correlation between teen homelessness and dropout rates, you could propose obtaining permission from a local business, library, church, or community center to provide a place for tutoring services. The second leg of this proposed product would be to recruit volunteers. 

2. Discuss what it means to measure data. This can be quantitatively (numerically- using charts, graphs, etc) or qualitatively (through narrative, anecdotal, or video documentation). 

3. Discuss other questions on proposal and how they are predicated upon actual proposed product.

4. Discuss the overall objective of this project: To Give Juniors a Head Start on Next Year's Senior Project. **** YOU WILL THANK ME NEXT YEAR. THAT IS A PROMISE <3

Students need to download to their flash or google drives the following:

Junior Mini-Senior Project Proposal Template

Sample Junior Mini-Senior Project Proposal 

Students will be monitored today for what they actually accomplish and will receive a grade based upon quantity as well as quality of time spent in media center. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Biographical Works: Slave Narratives + Mini -Senior Junior Project Proposal

Monday, March 21, 2016- The Middle Passage Documentary  

Tuesday-Thursday - March 22-23, 2016 - Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs

Friday - We are in the Media Center. EVERY student is required to have at least 2 - preferable 3 of their annotated sources ready for review. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Project Proposal Template

Project Proposal Sample

For those who need resources on the annotated bibliography - who claim it was never posted... because they did not look : (

Annotated Bibliography Description + Sample

Annotated Bibliography Rubric 

Learning Objectives: 

1. Learn the significance of a proposal 
2. Become familiarized with the proposal template
3. Download this and other resources (that have not been done heretofore : ( 
4. Obtain feedback on a MINIMUM of two complete annotated sources 
5. Continue working on annotated bibliography (for those who need to - most of you : (
6. Begin working on your proposal drafts (those I know who are on task... that is about two of you : ) : ( 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Comparing Autobiographical Works Across Time and Culture

Monday Franklin and Cisneros

Dr. O is Out today.... 

Tuesday Franklin and Cisneros Con't, Conjunctions, Comparative Essay, + Kid No-Fly List 

**** Please follow all slides. Students may take photos of slides, or access blog from site so they can work at individual paces. 

Students- Do not use phones to play. I mean it. 

Wednesday - Computer Lab - Annotative Bibliography 

Downloadable Resources:

Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Annotated Bibliography Description and Sample

What are we learning today?

What an annotated bibliography is - its purpose, how it is organized, MLA formatting, and how to use Easybib to create and retain. Then we will research at least 3 more articles for consideration for our research.

What will we do today?

We will work in the computer lab today with Media Center Specialists and Dr. ONeill.

What will we do to demonstrate what we have done and learned?

We will email Dr. ONeill three more articles we find related to our topics.

Reminder of Due Dates:

  • ·      Annotated Bibliography for Proposed Topic- Due March 31, 2016
  • ·   Project/Product Proposal –Due April 15, 2016
  • ·   PPT of Proposed Research/Product – Due April 22, 2016
  • ·  Presentations – Week of May 2nd and 9th.  (EOC Weeks)
       We have two more computer lab dates before the break.... use them wisely. Also.... take advantage of the Tuesday/Thursday lab times so awesomely and generously provided by St. Catherine's Church (on Holt Rd near the Robinson/Holt intersection - it is walkable from school). 

Thursday- The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano.