Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week Three: First Americans, Explorers, and Pilgrams

It is difficult to believe we are in Week Three! It seems much longer... but, for good reasons. We are accomplishing a great deal... and I am getting to know everyone!

Please review ppts each day.... Do not forget to acquire your novel for next week! The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Tuesday -/ Wednesday 1.19/20


Friday - 1.22.16 - DBQ question in PPT.

Resources: Read, take notes... and WRITE!!!

Oneida Indian Article

Ruling on WRS Name

Federal Judge Ruling on Name

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week Two: Connecting the Past to the Present- Beginning Native American History and Literature

This week began on a very good note. We had our first Socratic Seminar.... and have begun our study of Native American history and literature. Please review PPTs as we will "see" this information again.... on a test, essay, group discussion, or performance task (the possibilities are endless!) coming to a classroom near you....

Monday-Tuesday - January 11-12, 2016 

Wednesday - January 13, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Week 1 Spring Semester - American Literature

1.5.2016 -  Hello Students! Welcome to American Literature! In this blog you will find nearly everything you need to be successful in class. I say nearly... for you must bring something too. 

Please use this blog everyday... for review of what we have done, as well as to download resources for assignments and projects. If you are absent... check the blog and if work is posted, complete it and turn in when you return. 

PPT Presentation of Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures 


Week 1 Lessons - with Videos for Socratic Seminar- Please review videos and article on Group-Think 

Please read other articles and view other videos on the topic. Take notes and be prepared for class discussion on Monday, Jan. 11. 

Junior Letter of Intent - Due Monday, January 11, 2016

Sample Letter


Students - and parents - if you have not signed up for Remind - please see end of the first ppt.

We will begin our first novel Monday, January 18. We will read Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. Students will need to acquire their own copy.

Thank you....

Dr. ONeill