Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Final Countdown!

Multicultural Literature 

This week we began reading Firoozah Dumas's very funny.... Funny in Farsi. Each day we will learn new information regarding the changes that took place in Iran after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. We will also take a fun look at 1970s popular culture, fast foods, fashion, and more. 

November 27-December 1

Wednesday's Lesson

Thursday's and Friday's Lesson

Friday's Quiz

December 5-9 

Monday's reading - Waterloo - Treasure Island
Making Personal Connections to Literature 

Funny in Farsi - FINAL PROJECT - Due Dec. 16 by midnight!!!!


Reading Guide

Character Chart

Object Chart

World Literature 

This week we began reading Stephen Chbosky's coming of age novel, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Each day the students will explore themes in the book and how these relate to their own lives.  

November 27-December 1

Monday's Lesson

Tuesday's Lesson              

Wednesday - Friday Lesson 

December 5-9

Monday's Reading - December 19-December 25. 
Use Reading Guide.
Discuss final project - "My Anthology" Due December 16 by Midnight.

Tuesday - Wednesday - December 26-February 19


Guiding Questions 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 15 Pre- Thanksgiving Break!

This week is going to be a busy one with all four classes going into the lab to work on their Capstone projects Monday-Wed. 

We have four weeks remaining and much to do to prepare for final exams and to keep good grades and bring up grades that are less than good. 

Multicultural Literature

Monday-Wednesday - Senior Capstone (see previous post for resources) 

Thursday - Friday - TBA

World Literature 

Monday - Wednesday - Finishing up Night  and beginning Capstone. 

Closing Night

Holocaust Art


Sample MLA Formatted Paper

MLA Template 

Thursday - Friday - TBA