Monday, March 7, 2016

Starting a Revolution- Oh yeah, You know... We just want to change the world!

Students and Parents... today we began the Revolutionary Period... we are going to breeze through this, so I need for everyone to hang on tight. Not only are we going to learn some really awesome stuff about some important old guys who really changed our world...but, we are also going to learn the elements of persuasive writing and how we can be instrumental in affecting change! Alright!

Monday- The Beatles Meet the Rock Stars of the 1700s

Tuesday - Thomas Paine - A Real Mover and Shaker

Wed...  Today was a Media Center day. We learned how to research a topic, how to skim and determine relevancy of an article, the importance of reviewing and acknowledging opposing viewpoints, and the importance of keeping information organized. 

Students emailed me a copied and pasted expert of at least 3 articles relevant to their chosen topic to research. These will be given a grade in the writing category as research is related to writing. 

Thursday- Friday... we resume our brief entry into the revolutionary period.... and get to get to know a super cool dude by the name of Ben Franklin .... he is more than just a face on a green back. We learn two new terms... aphorism - and create our own -isms... and autobiography (not really new, but new for this class....) ...and we take a look at analogies... these are great for using in persuasive writing and speeches! 

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